
不同添加剂对苎麻青贮品质的影响 被引量:8

Effect of Additives on quality of Ramie Silage
摘要 为探讨绿汁发酵液、糖蜜和纤维素酶对苎麻青贮饲料品质的影响,试验设对照组、2%绿汁发酵液组(FJLB)、糖蜜组(M)及5%纤维素酶组(C),添加量分别为10 mL/kg、10mL/kg、50g/kg、10mL/kg。每组3个重复。常温下贮存60天后开窖取样,测定其发酵品质与化学成分。结果表明,绿汁发酵液处理显著(P<0.05)降低青贮料的丙酸含量,纤维素酶显著(P<0.05)提高青贮料的可溶性碳水化合物含量和半纤维素含量,糖蜜处理显著(P<0.05)提高青贮料的乳酸含量和干物质含量,显著(P<0.05)降低青贮料的乙酸含量和氨态氮含量,且青贮料的pH和丁酸含量最低,效果最佳。 The aim of this study is to reveal the influences of adding fermented juice of epiphytic lactic acid bacteria (FJLB), molasses (M) and ceilulase (C) on the fermentation quality of ramie silage. There were four additive treatments, 10 mL/kg control (CK), 10 mL/kg 2% fermented juice of epiphytie lactic acid bacteria (FJLB), 50 g/kg 5% molasses (M) and 10 mL/kg 2% cellulase (C), respectively. The ma- terials were ensiled at normal temperature and opened 60 days. The results found that the propionic acid content was significantly decreased by treating FJLB (P〈0.05), the contents of water-soluble carbohy- drate and hemi-cellulose were significantly increased by treating C (P〈0.05), and the contents of lactic acid and dry matter were significantly increased, the contents of acetic acid and ammonia nitrogen were de- creased by M (P〈0. 05). Furthermore, the silage of M treatment had the lowest pH value and butyric acid content. Therefore, the molasses was the best in the three additives.
出处 《家畜生态学报》 北大核心 2016年第7期56-59,共4页 Journal of Domestic Animal Ecology
基金 福建省公益类科研院所专项(2014R1023-5) 福建省公益类科研院所专项(2015R1023-15) 福建省农科院畜牧兽医研究所青年创新基金(MYQJ2014-7) 福建省农业科学院杰出青年人才基金(2015JQ-2)
关键词 苎麻 糖蜜 绿汁发酵液 青贮 发酵品质 ramie molasses green juice fermented liquid silage the fermentation quality
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