以鄂尔多斯盆地西南部某井田为研究对象,在煤矿突水危险性分析的基础上,构建煤层开采冒裂带波及上覆强含水层的矿井涌突水预测的地下水三维流数值模拟模型。预测结果表明,煤层开采形成的导水裂隙带是否导通强含水层以及导水裂隙带的渗透性能强弱,对矿井涌突水量以及地下水渗流场影响的差异较大;当导水裂隙带渗透系数小于0.001 m/d,基本为原地层的正常渗透水量;当导水裂隙带的渗透系数大于0.01 m/d,反映原地层遭受较大破坏,矿坑初期涌水为突水量,后期涌水接近稳定涌水量,涌突水对强含水层地下水降深以及流场都影响很大。
We constructed 3 - D numerical simulation of groundwater flow to predict the water gushing during coal mining due to the impact on the aquifer caused by the crack zones. The simulation was built on analyzing the possible dangers of water - inrush in coal mine, by taking a specific mine at the southwest of Ordos Basin as a typical example. The results of the simulation indicate that the permeability and its connection to the aquifer of the crack zones determine the significance of the impact on the ground water flow field. The aquifer is consistent if the permeability coefficient of the crack zone is under 0. 001m/d, and is affected significantly if the coefficient is above 0.01m/d. In the latter case, the mine inflow starts with a water - inrush and decades gradually to a stable flow, both of which have great impact on the drawdown and the flow field of groundwater at the aquifer.
Ground water
Coal Mine
Water - inrush - dangerous Area
Mine Inflow Drainage
Numerical Simulation
Groundwater Flow Field