目的:系统评价二膦酸盐对正畸治疗中牙根吸收的影响。方法:检索Pub Med等数据库中关于二膦酸盐对正畸治疗中牙根吸收影响的随机对照试验文献,并对纳入文献进行质量评估。结果:共纳入9项研究,其中3项为中等级质量,6项为低等级质量。药物剂量、作用力大小和方式、牙根吸收测量方法不同导致只能进行定性分析。二膦酸盐对正畸诱导的牙根吸收的抑制作用具有剂量和时间依赖关系。结论:二膦酸盐可能减轻正畸治疗中牙根吸收的严重程度,但由于纳入文献的质量不高,该结果的临床推衍存在局限性,仍需统一研究方法的大样本、长时间的随机对照实验以进一步研究。
Objective: To evaluate the effects of bisphosphonates on root resorption during orthodontic treatment.Method: Databases including the Cochrane Library, Pub Med, Embase et al were searched for the studies on the effects of bisphosphonates on root resorption induced by mechanical force. Quality analysis was conducted. Result: Nine articles were identified. The difference in medication regimens, force application, and measurement techniques made a quantitative synthesis impossible. Bisphosphonates inhibited root resorption in a dose- and time-dependent manner.Conlusion: Bisphosphonates may decrease root resorption induced by mechanical force, but low level of evidence limit it to extrapolate the results to the clinical spectrum. More large-sample, well-designed, long-term randomized controlled trials using three-dimensional measurements are required for the future researches.
Journal of Clinical Stomatology