目的 探讨个性化康复方案联合网络途径对颅脑外伤术后运动障碍患者功能恢复的影响.方法 选取2012年3月—2014年3月收治的颅脑外伤术后运动障碍患者160例,采用随机数字表法分为实验组80例和对照组80例,实验组实行个性化康复护理,并进行网络平台的交流,对照组实行常规康复护理,分别采用Barthel指数和Fugl-Meyer运动功能评定表对两组患者护理后日常生活能力和运动功能进行评价,采用自制患者满意度调查表评估患者满意度.结果 护理前两组患者在运动功能、平衡、感觉、关节活动及疼痛项目方面得分比较差异无统计学意义(P〉0.05);护理后实验组在各个项目得分均高于对照组,两组总分分别为(140.83±14.28),(114.79±10.73)分,差异有统计学意义(P〈0.01).护理后实验组患者日常生活能力总分为(79.95±15.28)分,明显高于对照组的(46.97±16.17)分,差异有统计学意义(P〈0.01).实验组患者有79例满意,明显高于对照组的59例,差异有统计学意义(P〈0.01).结论 个性化康复方案联合网络途径可以增强颅脑外伤术后运动障碍患者的运动功能和日常生活能力,提高患者满意度,具有良好的应用效果.
Objective To explore the effects of individualized rehabilitation plan with network on functional recovery in movement disorders patients with traumatic brain injury after operation. Methods A total of 160 movement disorders patients with traumatic brain injury accepted operation in the period between March 2012 and March 2014 in our hospital were selected and randomly divided into experimental group (80 cases) and control group (80 cases). The personalized rehabilitation nursing with network were performed in the experimental group, while the routine nursing was performed in the control group; Fugl-Meyer rehabilitation evaluation table and Barthel index table were used to evaluate patients'motor function and activity of daily living after the nursing care, and the self-designed questionnaires were used to evaluate patients' satisfaction. Results There were no significant differences in the motor function, balance, feeling, activity and joint pain between two groups before the intervention (P〉0. 05). The scores of each items in the experimental group were significantly higher than those of control group, and the total score of two groups in motor function were ( 140. 83 ± 14. 28 ) and (114. 79 ± 10. 73) after interventions (P〈0. 01). The score of daily life ability was (79. 95 ± 15. 28) in the experimental group, which was apparently higher than ( 46. 97 ± 16. 17 ) in the control group after the intervention (P 〈0. 01). The total number of satisfied patients of experimental group was 79, which was significantly more than that of control group (59) (P〈0. 01). Conclusions Individualized rehabilitation plan with network can improve motor function and daily life ability of patients with traumatic brain injury, and increase patients'satisfaction, which has excellent application effects.
Chinese Journal of Modern Nursing
Individualized rehabilitation
Traumatic brain injury
Movement disorder
Activity of daily living
Computer communication networks