目的:探讨团体认知护理对住院癌症患者希望水平和应对方式的影响。方法选取2012年5月—2014年12月收治的90例癌症患者作为研究对象。按照随机数字表法将患者分为研究组和对照组,每组各45例。对照组采用传统护理模式进行护理,研究组采用团体认知护理模式进行护理。采用Herth指数和挫折承受力评价量表( SCSQ)评估并比较两组患者护理前后希望水平和应对方式。结果护理后研究组患者对现实和未来的积极态度、是否采取积极行动和是否与他人保持亲密关系3个方面评分均优于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P〈0.05)。护理后研究组积极应对方面评分高于对照组、消极应对评分低于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P〈0.05)。结论团体认知护理能够有效提高患者的希望水平,改变患者面对问题的应对方式,使患者能够选择积极面对的方式处理问题。
Objective To explore the effects of group cognitive nursing care on hope level and coping style in hospitalized patients with cancer. Methods A total of 90 cancer patients were divided into study group (45 cases, group cognitive nursing) and control group (45 cases, traditional nursing) according to random number table method admitted from May 2012 to December 2014. Hope level and coping style were compared before and after nursing by Herth index and simplified coping style questionnaire ( SCSQ ) . Results After nursing, scores of 3 aspects including positive attitudes towards reality and future, whether to take positive action and whether to maintain close relationship with others in study group were better than those in control group (P〈0. 05). In addition, score of active coping style in study group was higher than that in control, and score of passive coping style in study group was lower than that in control group (P〈0. 05). Conclusions Group cognitive nursing can effectively improve patient′s level of hope and coping style so as to make patients deal with problems with active coping style.
Chinese Journal of Modern Nursing
Group cognition
Hope level
Coping style