目的:研究不同的糖代谢状态下,我国新疆地区人群恶性肿瘤的患病风险。方法 :采用横断面研究,将9 707名新疆地区40岁以上的社区人群分为正常糖耐量、糖耐量异常和糖尿病3组,分析不同糖代谢状态与恶性肿瘤患病风险间的关系,并按照性别进行亚组分析。结果:在总人群中对糖代谢状态与恶性肿瘤患病风险进行Logistic回归分析,结果表明,在校正吸烟、饮酒、肿瘤家族史等因素后,不同糖代谢状态与恶性肿瘤患病率之间并未观察到相关性。亚组分析显示,女性糖耐量异常人群和糖尿病患者的恶性肿瘤患病风险分别增加43%和45%[比值比(odds ratio,OR)分别为1.43和1.45,95%可信区间(confidence interval,CI)分别为1.03~1.98和1.00~2.11],但在男性中,均未见两者间存在相关性。结论:在新疆地区中老年社区女性人群中,糖耐量异常及糖尿病均与恶性肿瘤患病风险的升高相关。有关糖尿病病程、降糖治疗、血糖控制情况等与恶性肿瘤发生风险之间关系有待进一步长期随访研究证实。
Objective: To determine whether glucose tolerance status is associated with increased risk of cancer in the Xinjiang population. Methods: A total of 9707 community-resident adults, aged 40 or older, were enrolled in this cross-sectional survey. According to glucose tolerance status, participants were classified into three groups: normal glucose metabolism, impaired glucose tolerance(IGT) and diabetes. Relationship between glucose tolerance status and risk of can-cer was investigated, and was further studied between male and female. Results: Logistic regression analysis revealed that IGT and diabetes conferred 43% and 45% higher risk of cancer, respectively(OR: 1.43, 95%CI: 1.03-1.98 for IGT; OR:1.45, 95%CI: 1.00-2.11 for diabetes) in females. However, the higher risk of cancer was not detected in males. Conclusions:Diabetes is associated with an increased risk of cancer in Xingjiang females aged 40 or older, which is independent to other risk factors of cancer. Long-term follow-up study is needed to confirm the correlation of diabetes duration, antidiabetic therapy, glycemia control with the risk of cancer.
Journal of Diagnostics Concepts & Practice