
美国的反恐战略布局及其困境 被引量:1

The US Anti-terrorist Strategic Deployment and Its Dilemma
摘要 最近一个时期,重大的恐怖袭击接连发生,在奥巴马政府即将完成任期的当下,系统地反思和总结奥巴马的反恐战略布局、特点和困境就显得尤为重要。总体来看,奥巴马的反恐战略走向是收缩反恐战线,保障国内安全,强调国际合作,避免大规模的反恐战争,重视特种作战手段的运用,力求把更多的资源向亚太转移用于防范中国的崛起。简言之,就是收缩、保家、借力、特种作战。在反恐问题上存在的三个困境导致美国反恐战略的局限性凸显,这也从逻辑上注定了美国在反恐斗争中的被动地位乃至失败的命运。 Recently; several major terrorist attacks have occurred. As the term of office of the Obama administration will soon come to an end, it is important to review and reflect on 0bama's anti-terrorist strategic deployment and its characteristics and difficulties. Overall, Obama's anti-terrorist strategy is to contract the frontllne, strengthen security at home, place emphasis on international cooperation, avoid large-scale war on terror, pay attention to the use of special means of warfare, and strive to transfer more resources to the Asia Pacific region to guard against the rise of China. In a nutshell, it is contraction, home security; leveraging and special operations. The three dilemmas facing the US anti-terrorist campaign show the limitations of the US anti-terrorism strategy; which also logically predicts that the US fight against terrorism will be reduced to a passive position and is doomed to failure.
作者 邵峰
出处 《学术前沿》 CSSCI 2016年第13期28-39,共12页 Frontiers
关键词 美国 反恐 国家安全 实用主义 战略困境 the United States, anti-terrorist, national security pragmatism, strategic dilemma
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  • 2The White House. Statement by the President on Af- ghanistan[EB/OL ].http://www.whitehouse.gov/the-press-office /2014/05/27/statement-president-afghanistan.
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