
学习导向型领导:影响校长角色转变的关键因素——基于上海TALIS2013调查结果的实证研究 被引量:7

Leadership for Learning: Key Factor Attributing to Transforming Roles of School Principal Based on Results from Shanghai TALIS 2013
摘要 2015年1月,中国上海参加了经合组织(OECD)在全球范围开展的教师教学国际调查(Teaching and Learning International Survey,简称TALIS)。这是继PISA之后,中国内地首次参加的针对教师群体专业发展及教学实践的大型国际教育评价项目。本文基于本轮上海TALIS调查的数据结果,聚焦TALIS调查框架下对校长领导能力的评价,通过国际比较,力图在国际坐标中描述上海初中校长的领导能力水平所处的位置并详细阐述TALIS调查评价校长领导能力的独特视角和内在逻辑。 As first city in China,Shanghai has participated in TALIS( Teaching and Learning International Survey) in January,2015. As an international large-scale educational assessment for teachers in basic education which is organized by OECD,TALIS focuses on teacher's professional development and teaching practices. This paper aims to describe the position or levels of Shanghai principal's leadership against international benchmark through evidence-based comparative studies and illustrate the unique perspectives and approach TALIS adopts to assess principal's leadership.
作者 徐瑾劼 杨洁
出处 《全球教育展望》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第7期104-117,共14页 Global Education
关键词 教师国际教学调查(TALIS) 校长领导能力 学习导向型领导 TALIS principal leadership leadership for learning
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