
从梅里走向浙西——浙西词派的形成与词坛转型 被引量:4

From Meili to West Zhejiang: The Formation of West Zhejiang School of Ci-poetry and the Transformation of the Ci-poetic Arena
摘要 以王翃、朱彝尊为代表的两代梅里词人始以彼此影响却"人各一家"的群体面世,在词学取径与创作风格上转益多师,众体兼备,与之宗尚不一的柳州诸子、云间诸子等连镳竞逐,共同引领词坛中兴。至康熙十七年《词综》成书,标志以朱彝尊为首的第二代梅里词人已融汇浙西群彦,从先前的多元格局走向单一化之路,专尚宋季以姜夔为宗主的"浙词",倡导"醇雅",形成浙西词派;同年复出的《乐府补题》,为浙西词派倡导"醇雅"主张,也为其他词人抒发合乎时代发展的心绪提供最理想的范本,朱彝尊携之入京,展开规模不小的拟和,是浙西词派倡导"醇雅"的一次重大实践活动。因其顺应时代精神与词体演变的需求,故得到众多非浙西词人的响应,最终导致词坛转型。 The two generations of Meili (梅里) Ci-poets, respectively represented by Wang Hong (王翊) and Zhu Yizun (朱彝尊) , made their appearance with each generation carrying its "unique hallmark", but they nonetheless exercised a tremendous mutual influence. Drawing on various sources of poetics and incorporating writing styles of diverse nature, they rivaled such schools of Ci-poetry as represented by the Liuzhou School of Ci-poetry ( 柳州词派 ) and the Yunjian School of Ci-poetry ( 云间词派), thus guiding together the trends of Ci-poem writing, which underwent a remarkable revival at that time. The publication of A Comprehensive Collection of Ci-Poems (《词综》) written by Zhu Yizun in the seventeenth year during the reign of Emperor Kangxi (康熙), marked the integration of the second generation of Meili Ci-poets, headed by Zhu Yizun, into the West Zhejiang (浙西) School of Ci-poetry, which was indicative of a transition from a previous emphasis on diversity to a single-minded pursuit of "mellow elegance" (醇雅) as advocated by Jiang Kui (姜夔) who was revered as the founding father of "Zhejiang Ci-poetry (浙词)". In other words, the West Zhejiang School of Ci-poetry formally came into being. The same year saw the reprinting of A Supplementary Collection of Yuefu Folk Songs and Ballads (《乐府补题》), which not only advocated the principle of " mellow elegance" , but also provided a most ideal paradigm so as to help other Ci-poets give expression to their sentiments in line with the times. Zhu Yizun took a copy of A Supplementary Collection of Folk Songs and Ballads with him when he went to the capital of the state, hence making a tremendous impact by promoting large-scale writing and recital experiments, which should be regarded as an important case of practice embodying the principle of "mellow elegance" as advocated by the West Zhejiang School of Ci-poetry. These activities, due to their capture of the pulse of the times and their adaptation to the needs of the evolution of Ci-poem writing, drew favorable responses from many Ci-poets outside the West Zhejiang School of Ci- poetry and eventually led to a successful transition of the Ci-poetic arena.
作者 沈松勤
出处 《北京大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第4期76-88,共13页 Journal of Peking University(Philosophy and Social Sciences)
基金 国家社科基金项目"明清之际词坛中兴史论"(项目编号:13BZW077)阶段性成果
关键词 梅里词人 浙西词派 词坛转型 Meili (梅里) Ci-poet, West Zhejiang (浙西) School of Ci-poetry, transformation of the Ci-poetic arena
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  • 1《吴熊和词学论集》(杭州:杭州大学出版社,1999年,第417-421页).
  • 2《梅里词派研究》,上海:上海古籍出版社2009年版,第35-37页.
  • 3《梅里词绪》卷首,张宏生编:《清词珍本丛刊》第23册,南京:凤凰出版社2003年版,第517页.
  • 4杨钟羲:《雪桥诗话余集》卷一,北京:北京古籍出版社1992年版,第8页.
  • 5《叶指挥诗序》,朱彝尊撰、王利民等校点:《曝书亭全集》卷三七,长春:吉林文史出版社2009年版,第430页.
  • 6《梅里词派研究序》,《梅里词派研究》,第3页.
  • 7《梅里词绪弁言》,《梅里词绪》卷首,张宏生:《清词珍本丛刊》第23册,第298-299页.
  • 8《梅里词缉序》,《梅里词缉》卷首,浙江图书馆所藏冯氏稿本.
  • 9《梅里词辑》卷首,张宏生:《清词珍本丛刊》,第23册,第630-631页.
  • 10《莲子居词话》卷二,唐圭璋编:《词话丛编》第3册,北京:中华书局1986年版,第2427页.












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