
姚莹《谈艺图》与桐城派的江南传衍 被引量:6

Yao Ying's A Painting on a Discussion about Art and Literature and the Dissemination of the Tongcheng School in Southern Yangtze
摘要 自道光十一年七月至十七年十月,姚莹一直在江南做官。他在政事之暇,交游名士,主持风雅。《谈艺图》就是他第二次代理两淮盐运使期间为纪念扬州谈艺韵事而绘制,反映了他与李兆洛、蒋彤、毛岳生、吴德旋、刘宝楠、刘文淇等江南文士谈道论艺的雅集盛况。由此图再联系到他从政江南期间以及仕宦江南前后的文化活动,可发现:姚莹居官江南,与其幕府宾客道艺均进,并表现出汉宋调和之态势以及强烈的重道经世之意识,这也昭示着江南学风与士风的新变。不仅如此,他还有力推动了道光年间桐城派的传衍。总之,这幅《谈艺图》蕴含着丰富的思想内涵与多重的文化记忆,具有非常重要的历史文化价值与思想艺术价值。 Yao Ying (姚莹) acted as an official in Southern Yangtze (江南) from July of the eleventh year to October of the seventeenth year during the reign of Emperor Daoguang (道光). He made friends with celebrities and presided over the meetings of graceful people when he was free from governmental affairs. He had A Painting on a Discussion about Art and Literature (《谈艺图》) drawn in memory of his talks about Art and Literature with some well-known Jiangnan scholars in Yangzhou (扬州) during his second term of office as the acting Salt Distribution Commissioner in Huainan (淮南) and Huaibei (淮北). The picture depicted the grand event when he banqueted friends and talked about Art and Literature with such Jiangnan literati as Li zhaoluo (李兆洛), Jiang Tong (蒋彤), Mao Yuesheng ( 毛岳生 ), Wu Dexuan (吴德旋), Liu naonan ( 刘宝楠) and Liu Wenqi (刘文淇). Seeing from this picture and then associating ourselves with his cultural activities before and after he acted as an official in Southern Yangtze, we can find that Yao Ying, together with his friends and aides, made great progress in the theory and practice of Art and Literature, which showed their reconciliation between Han studies and Song studies and also their strong sense of respecting Confucian teachings and administering state affairs. It also indicated the new change of academic atmosphere and intellectual atmosphere in Jiangnan. Besides, he strongly promoted the dissemination of the thought of the Tongcheng School (桐城派) during the reign of Emperor Daoguang. In a word, this painting contains rich connotation of thought and multiple cultural memories, and is of very important historical, cultural and artistic value.
作者 汪孔丰
机构地区 安徽大学文学院
出处 《北京大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第4期98-106,共9页 Journal of Peking University(Philosophy and Social Sciences)
基金 国家社会科学基金青年项目"文化家族视域下的桐城派研究"(项目编号:13CZW051) 安徽省高校优秀青年人才支持计划重点项目(项目编号:gxyq ZD2016202)
关键词 姚莹 《谈艺图》 桐城派 传衍 Yao Ying (姚莹) ,A Painting on a Discussion about Art and Literature (《谈艺图》), TongchengSchool ( 桐城派 ) , dissemination
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  • 1蒋彤.《武进李先生年谱》,《北京图书馆藏珍本年谱丛刊》本,北京图书馆出版社,1999年,第91页.
  • 2蒋宝龄撰、蒋苣生续编:《墨林今话》续编一,民国九年扫叶山房石印本.
  • 3《安徽省文物志稿》(中册),安徽省文物志编辑室1996年编印,第115页.
  • 4《郎亭书画经眼录》卷四,张剑点校,中华书局2008年版,第350-351页.
  • 5方宗诚:《柏堂遗书·柏堂集余编》卷五,光绪年间桐城方氏志学堂刻本.
  • 6包世臣.《答董晋卿书》[A]..《包世臣全集·艺舟双楫》[C].黄山书社,1994年版.第257页.
  • 7李兆洛:《(抱经堂诗抄)序》,《养一斋文集》卷二,《续修四库全书》第1495册,上海:上海古籍出版社2002年版,第28页.
  • 8姚莹:《东溟文集》目录后附李兆洛识语,《续修四库全书》第1512册,第368页.
  • 9方东树:《援鹑堂笔记目录识语》,姚范《援鹑堂笔记》,《续修四库全书》子部第1148册,第404页.
  • 10姚莹著,黄季耕点校:《识小录》“弁言”,合肥:黄山书社1991年版,第3页.












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