富油微藻在生物柴油应用方面具有良好的应用前景,分析其脂肪酸的含量和成分对其有效利用具有理论指导意义。采用扩增18S r RNA片段对本试验所分离得到的一株富油微藻进行分子生物学鉴定,并分别用50%,65%和80%三种不同浓度的甲醇、乙醇和丙酮溶液作为溶剂,采用索式提取法抽提藻油,然后采用气相色谱-质谱联用(GC-MS)分析藻油中脂肪酸的含量及成分,并确定最佳的提取方案。结果表明,18S r RNA序列显示,该微藻属于角毛藻Chaetoceros dichaeta。有机溶剂抽提藻油时,50%甲醇的抽提效果最佳,提取效果随甲醇浓度增加而降低。乙醇的提取效果跟甲醇类似,而丙酮的提取效果随浓度提高有所改善,但总体效率不高。在最佳提取条件下,藻油产率达到了451.6 mg·g-1干藻。该角毛藻油中脂肪酸主要为饱和的14碳和16碳长链脂肪酸,含量分别为23.96%和68.58%。研究认为:该微藻属于角毛藻类,甲醇为比较适合的提取该微藻藻油的溶剂;该角毛藻富含长链脂肪酸,在生物柴油等绿色能源行业具有良好的应用价值。
In order to analyze the content and composition of fatty acids in an oil-riching microalgae with good application prospect, the 18S rRNA gene of the isolated oil-rich microalgae was amplified for molecular biology identification. 50%, 65% and 80% of methanol, ethanol and acetone solution, respectively, was used as solvent for soxhlet extraction algal oil. Gas chromatography - mass spectrometry (GC-MS) was combined to analysis the content and composition of fatty acids in algae oil, and to determine the best extraction scheme. The results showed that 18S rRNA sequences showed that the microalgae belonged to Chaetoceros dichaeta. When the algae oil was extracted with organic solvent, the extraction efficiency of 50% methanol was the best, and the extraction efficiency decreased with the increase of methanol concentration. The extraction effect of ethanol was similar to that of methanol, and the extraction effect of acetone was improved with the increase of concentration, but the overall efficiency was not high. Under the optimum extraction conditions, the algae oil yield reached 451.6 mg·g^-1 dry weight. The main fatty acids were 14 and 16 carbon saturated long chain fatty acids, with the ratio of 23.96% and 68.58%, respectively. The microalgae belongs to Chaetoceros dichaeta. Methanol is more suitable for the extraction of the microalgae oil. This microalgae has good application value in biodiesel because of its rich in long chain fatty acids.
Tianjin Agricultural Sciences