
海洋划界基础上渔业合作案例分析 被引量:6

Case Studies of Fishery Cooperation on the Basis of Maritime Delimitation
摘要 海洋划界后,出于对跨越海上边界的共享性渔业资源种群利用与管理以及生态系统整体性保护的需求,相关沿海国之间应开展渔业合作,《联合国海洋法公约》和其他有关渔业条约对此进行了原则性规定,但未形成具体的法律制度。海洋划界后的渔业合作的国际实践案例对有关国际规则的形成具有重要的实际意义。本文对20个包含渔业安排的海洋划界协定或在海洋划界协定基础上签署的渔业协定进行归纳分析,总结出以区域为基础的渔业合作、以渔业资源配额为基础的渔业合作两种基本模式,对相关国家的具体合作内容和方式进行综合分析,对渔业问题在海洋划界时的解决途径、模式选择的考虑因素等问题进行了讨论,供我国在周边海域与有关国家解决专属经济区和大陆架划界及渔业合作问题时参考。 As maritime boundaries have been delimited,the relevant coastal states shall seek to agree upon the measures necessary to cooperate and ensure the conservation and development of the shared fish stocks and to maintain the integrity of marine ecosystems. Though the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea and other United Nations fish stock agreements have provided fundamental provisions on this issue,both of them have failed to establish a substantial legal system. On the other hand,the coastal States' practices on fishery cooperation based on maritime delimitation are practically helpful to the development of the international rules. This paper gives analysis on twenty cases of fishery cooperation arrangements,which are either concerned of maritime delimitation agreements which contain provisions with regard to fishery arrangements,or fishery arrangements based on maritime delimitation. The fishery cooperation in these cases can be classified into two models,namely,the area-based fishery cooperation and the quota-based fishery cooperation. Comprehensive analysis and discussion are given on the detailed cooperation programs and methods. The mechanism and model selection of fishery cooperation in the maritime delimitation negotiation have been further discussed,which may be regarded as the reference in case of maritime delimitation and fishery cooperation between China and her neighboring states.
作者 唐议 李想
机构地区 上海海洋大学
出处 《太平洋学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第7期89-97,共9页 Pacific Journal
基金 国家海洋软科学项目"海洋法问题研究"(OSS 2014-17)
关键词 渔业合作 海洋划界 案例 fishery cooperation maritime delimitation case
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