目的探讨可穿戴设备对慢性非传染性疾病高危人群的干预效果。方法将深圳市社区慢性病高危人群400例随机分为两组,干预组应用健康手环对饮食和运动进行干预管理,对照组不给于干预,观察两组1年后的BMI(体质指数)、腰围、收缩压、舒张压、血糖、三酰甘油和总胆固醇等指标的变化情况。结果 1年后,两组人群健康指标、饮食和运动改善人数增多,改善率升高,干预组的饮食合理由原来的12.5%提高到91.0%,有规律运动的比例由原来的9.2%提高到78.0%,对照组的饮食合理由原来的11.2%提高到42.5%,有规律运动的比例由原来的10.6%提高到54.0%。与对照组比较,干预组BMI、收缩压、舒张压、三酰甘油、总胆固醇改善率明显升高(P<0.05),改善率较大的前3位分别是BMI、三酰甘油和总胆固醇。与干预前比较,干预后BMI、收缩压、舒张压、三酰甘油和总胆固醇改善率均明显升高(P<0.05),改善较大的前3位分别是三酰甘油、BMI和总胆固醇。BMI、三酰甘油、总胆固醇指标可作为慢性病高危人群首选监测指标。结论可穿戴设备能够改善慢性病高危人群的不良生活习惯和行为方式,对预防慢性病发生和发展具有极其重要的意义。
Objective To explore the intervention effect of wearable devices on chronic non-communicable diseases athigh-risk groups. Methods A total of 400 cases of chronic disease high-risk groups in a community of Shenzhen City wererandomly divided into an intervention group that received the healthy bracelets to intervene on diet and exercises and a controlgroup that did not receive any intervention. The changes of BMI,waist circumference,systolic pressure,diastolic pressure,blood glucose,triglycerides and total cholesterol were observed in two groups after 1 year. Results One year later,theproportion of reasonable diet increased from 11.2% to 91.0% in the intervention group,while the proportion increased from11.2% to 42.5% in the control group; the proportion of regular exercises increased from 9.2% to 78.0% in the interventiongroup,while the proportion increased from 10.6% to 54.0% in the control group. The improvement rates of BMI,systolicpressure,diastolic pressure,triglycerides and total cholesterol significantly increased in the intervention group compared withthose in the control group(all P〈0.05),and the first three improvement rates were BMI,triglycerides and total cholesterol. Theimprovement rates of BMI,systolic pressure,diastolic pressure,triglycerides and total cholesterol significantly increased afterthe intervention compared with those before the intervention(all P〈0.05),and the first three improvement rates weretriglycerides,BMI and total cholesterol. Therefore,BMI,triglycerides and total cholesterol were the preferable monitoringindicators in the high- risk groups of chronic diseases.Conclusion The wearable devices can improve living habits andbehaviors of high-risk groups of chronic diseases with an important significance for prevention and control of the occurrenceand development of chronic diseases.
China Tropical Medicine
Wearable device
Health bracelet
High-risk group of chronic diseases