
吉林省2005—2014年流行性腮腺炎流行特征分析 被引量:13

Analysis of epidemiological characteristics of mumps in Jilin Province, 2005—2014
摘要 目的了解吉林省2005—2014年流行性腮腺炎(流腮)的流行病学特征,为进一步防控流腮炎提供参考依据。方法对2005—2014年吉林省疾病监测系统报告的流腮病例进行描述分析。结果 2005—2014年吉林省共报告流腮病例49 185例,无死亡病例,年均报告发病率为17.92/10万。2008年发病率最高为26.58/10万,其次为2012年,为25.37/10万,2014年发病率最低13.08/10万。有明显的季节性,为双峰分布,4—7月和11月至翌年1月为高峰期。9个市、州均有病例报告,病例数最多是长春市(13 534例,27.53%),发病率最高为四平市(25.26/10万);延边州2013—2014年发病率呈上升趋势,发病率分别为30.24/10万、40.46/10万。0-14岁儿童占78%,发病以学龄儿童为主,9岁发病率最高,为195.99/10万,其次为6岁(159.07/10万)和7岁(150.52/10万);0-14岁人群平均发病率为99.14/10万,≥15岁人群发病率为2.04/10万。男女性别比为1.66:1,0-14岁人群为2.49:1,≥15岁人群为1:1.34。男性发病率(22.08/10万)高于女性(13.74/10万),差异有统计学意义(P〈0.001)。0-14岁人群中男性发病率(119.35/10万)是女性(66.52/10万)1.79的倍,差异有统计学意义(P〈0.001),≥15岁人群发病率女性(7.34/10万)高于男性(5.51/10万),差异有统计学意义(P〈0.001)。结论针对重点人群和流行季节,加强疫情监测;借鉴国内外经验,建议流腮疫苗的接种程序由1剂次增至2剂次,在学龄前完成第2剂次,以降低15岁以下人群流腮的高发。 Objective To understand the epidemiological characteristics of mumps in Jilin Province from 2005 to 2014,so as to provide the reference for further prevention and control of mumps. Methods The data of mumps from the Jilindisease surveillance system was collected and analyzed with the descriptive epidemiological method from 2005 to 2014.Results A total of 49 185 cases of mumps were reported accumulatively in Jilin Province from 2005 to 2014 with no deathand the average incidence of 17.92 / 100 000. The highest incidence rate was 26.58/100 000 in 2008,followed by 25.37/100000 in 2012,and the lowest incidence was 13.08/100 000 in 2014. The incidence of mumps presented obviously seasonalcharacteristics: the periods of from April to July and from November to January were the peak time. Nine cities reported cases,the number of cases was the largest in Changchun City(13 534,27.53%). The incidence was the highest in Siping City(25.26/100 000). In Yanbian,the incidence increased from 30.24/100 000 in 2013 to 40.46/100 000 in 2014 with a rising trend.Theproportion of mumps cases aged 0- 14 years was 78%. The school- aged children were the high risk group. The highestincidence rate was 195.99/100 000 in the group of 9 years old,followed by the group of 6 years old(159.07/100 000)and then 7years old(150.52/100 000).The average incidence was 99.14/100 000 in the group of 0- 14 years old,and the averageincidence was 2.04/100 000 in the group of ≥15 years old.The male to female ratio of the cases was 1.66:1,in which the ratiowas 2.49:1 in the group of 0-14 years old,but the ratio was 1:1.34 in the group of ≥15 years old. The incidence of the male(22.08/100 000)was higher than that of the female(13.74/100 000)and there was a significant difference(P〈0.001). In thegroup of 0-14 years old,the incidence of the male(119.35/100 000)was 1.79 times of that of the female(66.52/100 000),andthe difference was statistically significant(P〈0.001),but in the group of ≥15 years old,the incidence of the female(7.34/100 000)was higher than that of the male(5.51/100 000),and the difference was statistically significant(P〈0.001).Conclusion We should strengthen the surveillance of mumps epidemic for focus population especially in epidemic seasons.With the reference of domestic and foreign experiences,We suggest that the mumps vaccine vaccination increases from 1 doseto 2 doses,and the second dose is completed in the preschool stage,so as to reduce the high incidence of mumps in the groupof 15 years old.
出处 《中国热带医学》 CAS 2016年第7期695-697,共3页 China Tropical Medicine
关键词 流行性腮腺炎 流行病学 特征 Mumps Epidemiology Characteristics
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