

A Survey on Mobility Models of VANET Simulation
摘要 车载网络(VANET)在解决行车安全和提升交通效率方面有着良好的前景,但是由于构建真实场景进行性能测试将面临成本高昂、复杂的技术问题以及众多外界因素影响等问题,所以对VANET性能进行研究分析严重依赖于仿真测试。车辆作为车载网络移动节点,其移动性对VANET的网络拓扑结构有着显著的影响,在仿真测试中根据场景需求构建能恰当反映车辆移动特征的移动模型尤为重要。该文对现有的VANET移动模型进行分类分析,并探讨了真实车辆运动模式所遵循的架构。 Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks (VANET) have broad prospect with two types of application in mind: driving safety and improve the efficiency of traffic. To date, the majority of VANET research efforts have relied heavily on simulations, due to pro- hibitive costs, complex technical problems and external factors influence of employing real world tested. The vehicles mobility has serious effects on the VANET topology, build the scene of can properly reflect the characteristic of the vehicle movement is particularly important. In this paper, we first present the classification of VANET mobile model, then, we discuss the architec- ture of real vehicle movement pattern.
作者 邓媛媛 周鹏 王晓品 赵鹏 DENG Yuan-yuan, ZHOU Peng, WANG Xiao-pin, ZHAO Peng (College of Computer, National University of Defense Technology, Changsha 410000, China)
出处 《电脑知识与技术》 2016年第6期44-45,51,共3页 Computer Knowledge and Technology
基金 基金项目:本文受国家自然科学基金项目(61272485)资助
关键词 车载网络 移动模型 交通模拟 VANET Mobility Model Traffic Simulator
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