
大学教育重构与反思——基于MOOCs发展视阈的解读 被引量:2

Reconstruction and Reflection of University Education
摘要 在现代网络信息技术与大学教育明显滞后的教学模式的角力中,中国大学怀抱着自我改革的决心奋力推行MOOCs。MOOOCs是"互联网+教育"的成功典范,它彻底搅动了中国的大学教育。然而,对于中国大学而言,MOOCs仅仅是重构现代大学教育的导火线,无论它带给现代大学教育的是致命性的变革,抑或是日益被人们诟病的哗众取宠,现代大学教育都必须重构,特别是在教育实践愈发失去本真的当下。大学教育重构,必须在自由、平等、开放的理想的话语语境下,重构现代大学制度,重构现代大学文化,重构现代大学教育理解,这也是现代大学走向卓越的题中应有之义。 In the wresting between the modem network information technology and the hysteretic teaching mode of university education, Chinese universities strive to implement MOOCS with the determination of self-reform. It can be said that MOOCs is a successful example of "Internet + education" , and it thoroughly agitated the university education in China. However, for Chinese University, MOOCs is only the blasting fuse of reconstructing modem university education, whether it brings the fatal revolution or the biting criticism to modem university education, the modem university education must be reconstructed, especially in the reality that the practice of education increasingly loses its truth. The university education must be reconstructed in free, equal, ideal and open context. We must try our best to reconstruct the modem university system, the modem university culture, and the understanding of modem university education. These are the proper meaning of the modem university.
出处 《大学教育科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第4期69-75,共7页 University Education Science
基金 天津财经大学2015年教学研究与改革项目"慕课理念下的教学模式改革研究与实践"(JGY2015-08)
关键词 大学教育重构 MOOCs 文化生态 大学制度 大学文化 教育理解 reconstruction of university education MOOCS cultural ecology university system university culture educational understanding
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