
CRTH2^+CD4^+T细胞在特应性皮炎儿童外周血中的表达和意义 被引量:1

Expression and significance of CRTH2^+CD4^+T cells in peripheral blood of children with atopic dermatitis
摘要 探讨CRTH2^+CD4^+T细胞在特应性皮炎(atopic dermatitis,AD)儿童外周血中的比例变化及意义。选取2015年6月至2015年10月间我院皮肤科门诊就诊的AD患儿22例和同龄正常对照组儿童30例,采用流式细胞术检测两组儿童外周血中CRTH2^+CD4^+T细胞的比例和该细胞分泌的IL-4、IFN-γ水平;采用粉尘螨刺激PBMC,利用CCK-8增殖试验结合流式细胞术检测两组CRTH2^+CD4^+T细胞的比例变化。结果显示,AD组儿童外周血中CRTH2^+CD4^+T细胞比例明显高于对照组(P<0.05),且在AD组中这一比例大小与血清IgE浓度呈正相关(r=0.602,P<0.05);CRTH2^+CD4^+T细胞主要分泌IL-4,基本不分泌IFN-γ;粉尘螨刺激后,PBMC中CRTH2^+CD4^+T细胞比例升高,并且AD组的刺激前后细胞比例差值明显高于对照组(P<0.05),提示CRTH2^+CD4^+T细胞参与了儿童特应性皮炎的发病过程。 To explore the characteristic, percentage and clinical significance of CRTH2+ CD4+ T cells in peripheral blood of children with atopic dermatitis, 22 children with atopic dermatitis in our clinic and 30 healthy children were selected. The per- centage and attributes of CRTH2+ CD4+ T cells in peripheral blood were measured by flow cytometry. CCK-8 assay combined with flow cytometry were used to analyze the change in the percentage of CRTH2+ CD4+ T cells from PBMC after dust mites stimulation. The average percentage of CRTH2+ CD4+ T cells in peripheral blood in AD group was higher than that in the control group(P 〈0. 05), and there was a positive correlation between serum IgE level and the percentage of CRTH2+ CD4+ T cells(r = 0. 602,P 〈0. 05), CRTH2+ CD4+ T cells secretod high amounts of IL-4 , but not IFN-γ. The percentage of CRTH2+ CD4+ T cells in PBMC after dust mites stimulation increased, and the average gap percentage of CRTH2+ CD4+ T cells in AD group was more dominant than that in control group(P 〈0, 05), indicating that CRTH2+ CD4+ T cells may play an important role in the pathogenesis of children's atopic dermatitis.
出处 《现代免疫学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第4期265-271,共7页 Current Immunology
基金 世界健康基金会科研项目(雅培公司:AFINS-HOPE-2013-15)
关键词 特应性皮炎 CRTH2+CD4+T细胞 粉尘螨 儿童 atopie dermatitis CRTH2+ CD4+ T eells dust mites children
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