
ICOS/ICOSL、OX40/OX40L及CD40/CD40L在系统性红斑狼疮患者外周血表达水平及其临床意义 被引量:4

Study on ICOS/ICOSL,OX40/OX40L and CD40/CD40L in the periphery blood of patients with system lupus erythematosus and their clinical significance
摘要 本研究旨在检测SLE患者外周CD4+T细胞表面ICOS、OX40、CD40L及B细胞表面ICOSL、OX40L、CD40分子的表达情况,并探索其临床意义。采用流式细胞术,我们检测SLE患者及健康对照外周CD4+T细胞表面ICOS、OX40、CD40L及B细胞表面ICOSL、OX40L、CD40分子的表达,并分析其与SLE临床指标的相关性。结果显示,SLE患者外周CD4+T细胞上ICOS、OX40、CD40L及B细胞上ICOSL、OX40L、CD40分子的表达均明显高于健康对照组(均P<0.05),且SLE患者CD4+T细胞表面ICOS的表达与患者血清IgG水平呈现正相关,B细胞表面ICOSL的表达与患者血清抗dsDNA抗体水平正相关,B细胞表面OX40L的表达与患者血清抗核抗体水平正相关(均P<0.05)。上述结果表明SLE患者外周CD4+T细胞上ICOS、OX40、CD40L及B细胞上ICOSL、OX40L、CD40分子均发生上调,并与SLE自身抗体水平呈现正相关,提示分别表达于T细胞和B细胞表面的ICOS/ICOSL、OX40/OX40L及CD40/CD40L分子,通过相互作用参与SLE的致病过程。 To investigate the role of ICOS/ICOSL, OX40/OX40L and CD40/CD40L in systemic lupus erythematosus(SIzE), we have compared ICOS, OX40, CD40L expressions on the surface of CD4+ T cells and ICOSL, OX40L, CD40 on B cells between SLE patients and healthy controls by flow cytometry. The elinical significance of them was further analyzed. The results indi cared that both ICOS, OX40, CD40L on CD4+ T cells and ICOSL, OX40L, CD40 on B cells were up-regulated in SLE patients when compared with healthy eontrols(P 〈0.05). In the patients, we found that the expression level of ICOS on CD4+ T cells positively correlated with IgG levels (P 〈0.05) , whereas, the expression level of ICOSL on B cells positively correlated with anti-dsDNA levels (P 〈0.05). In addition, The expression level of OX40L on B cells positively correlated with ANA levels (P 〈0.05). Taken together, our results demonstrate that ICOS/ICOSL, OX40/OX40L and CD40/CD40L were up-regulated on the peripheral lymphocytes of SLE patients with significant correlation to disease severity and autoantibody production. The in teraction between ICOS/ICOSL, OX40/OX40L and CD40/CD40L might mediate important roles in the pathogenesis of SLE.
出处 《现代免疫学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第4期299-304,共6页 Current Immunology
基金 国家自然科学基金(31370884 31170828) 上海市教委重点学科(J0507)
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