

Research on the Brain Mechanism of Chinese Semantic Processing:an f MRI Study
摘要 利用功能性磁共振成像(f MRI)技术探讨文盲和非文盲汉字语义加工脑机制的差异。实验使用汉字语义和图形的判断任务比较了中国人文盲和非文盲在语义加工过程脑机制的差异。结果表明文盲与非文盲汉字语义加工脑机制不同,且非文盲的脑活动更强,具体体现在左侧额中回(BA9),左侧角回(BA39/40)及左侧颞上回(BA21/22)以及小脑。 In this study,we used functional magnetic resonance imaging(f MRI) to investigate the what's Chinese semantic processing on the human mechanism. In f MRI experiment,subjects were asked to view the character semantic or figure pairs and discriminate whether the characters or figures of each stimuli pair were the same or not using response keys. The results of f MRI analysis showed that stronger activation of Chinese literates than illiterates. We observed that the brain network of Chinese phonological processing in the left middle frontal gyrus(BA9),the left angular gyrus(BA39/40),the left superior temporal gyrus(BA21/22) and cerebellum.
出处 《长春理工大学学报(自然科学版)》 2016年第3期136-138,142,共4页 Journal of Changchun University of Science and Technology(Natural Science Edition)
关键词 文盲 非文盲 汉字语义 功能性磁共振成像 illiterate literate Chinese semantic fMRI
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