

Towards Personal Cloud Service and Resource Mashup Based on Mobile Devices
摘要 个人用户家庭或工作环境中的智能手机、个人电脑、智能相册等通过网络形成个人云,为个人的数据处理和共享带来了便利。然而,如何面向具体应用需求为用户提供方便、高效的个人云服务及资源整合仍然是一个亟待解决的问题。为此,提出了一种基于移动设备的个人云服务及资源Mashup框架来统一管理设备和描述服务及资源,并阐述了如何通过框架合理构建Mashup应用;此外,开发了基于Agent的框架实现以及Android客户端。基于该框架及客户端,用户可以通过整合个人云服务及资源方便、快捷地构造个人化应用。通过一个用户案例研究对所提出的Mashup框架及其实现的有效性和易用性进行了评估。 Personal cloud is a collection of smart phones, personal computers, and smart albums which are seamlessly accessible through network in the surrounding environment of ordinary users. It benefits both the personal data proces- sing and sharing. However,how to provide the users with convenient and efficient personal cloud service and resource integration based on different practical requirements is still a problem demanding prompt solution. To address this pro- blem, we proposed a framework towards personal cloud service and resource mashup based on mobile devices, including how to manage devices,and how to define service and resource. We also explained how to build a Mashup application through the framework. We developed an agent-based implementation for the framework and an Android client to help users complete mashup. Finally, we evaluated the effectiveness and usability of our Mashup framework and Android clientby a preliminary experimental study.
出处 《计算机科学》 CSCD 北大核心 2016年第6期160-166,共7页 Computer Science
基金 国家高技术研究发展计划(863)(2015AA01A203)资助
关键词 个人云 移动 资源 服务 主体 混搭 Personal cloud, Mobile, Resource, Service, Agent, Mashup
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