

Qualitative Fusion Theory for Factors Analysis on Vibration Performance of Rolling Bearings
摘要 滚动轴承振动性能受复杂因素影响属于乏信息范畴,以灰色定性融合方法分析滚动轴承振动因素为例,提出定性融合理论解决滚动轴承的乏信息问题,定性融合理论可以融合方法的优点扩充信息量,从不同侧面揭示事物的信息,通过融合信息特征,推断其总体特征,为滚动轴承的制造、性能分析及选择提供可靠依据。 The vibration performance of rolling bearings affected by complex factors belongs to poor information category. The vibration factors of rolling bearings are analyzed by using grey qualitative fusion method,and the qualitative fusion theory is proposed to solve poor information problem about rolling bearings. The results show that the qualitative fusion theory is able to fuse advantages of method,expanding amount of information and discovering information of things from different aspects. The overall characteristics is inferred by fusing information characteristics,which provides reliable basis for manufacture,performance analysis and selection of rolling bearings.
出处 《轴承》 北大核心 2016年第8期27-35,共9页 Bearing
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(51475144)
关键词 圆锥滚子轴承 定性融合 定量融合 本征融合 参数非参数融合 tapered roller bearing qualitative fusion quantitative fusion intrinsic fusion parameter-nonparametric fusion
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