

A Case of Annular and Grid Lichen Planus Pigmentosus Inversus
摘要 患者女,25岁。右侧上肢和下肢出现褐色皮疹伴瘙痒2年余。右肘关节屈侧及右腘窝处各见一环形网状局限性深红褐色斑片,直径分别约4.0cm×4.0cm及8.0cm×10.0cm,界清,边缘轻微隆起,表面可见褐色结痂及细小片状脱屑。皮损组织病理:组织被覆鳞状上皮不同程度增生,局灶基底层液化,角化过度,真皮浅层血管周围有少量淋巴细胞为主的炎症细胞呈带状浸润,可见较多噬色素细胞。诊断:皱褶部环状和网状色素性扁平苔藓。 A 25-year-old women presented with annular and grid brown macules on the right elbow and popliteal space for 2 years accompanied by with itching.Physical examination revealed annular and grid brown macules on the right fossa cubitalis and popliteal space,4×4cm,8×10cm.The boundary of lesions was clear, The edge rised slightly.These surfaces were seen dark crusta and lamellar scales.Histopathological examination showed that squamous epithelial covering cuticular layer being hyperplasia.There were a liquefaction of basal cells,hyperkeratosis.A little banding of lymphocytes infiltrated around perivascularly in the upper dermis.Melanophages were seen here.According to the clinical manifestations and histopathological examination,the diagnosis of annular and grid Lichen Planus Pigmentosus Inversus was made.
出处 《中国皮肤性病学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第8期832-833,共2页 The Chinese Journal of Dermatovenereology
关键词 皱褶部位 色素性扁平苔藓 Lichen Planus Pigmentosus annular grid inverse
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