
论过错侵权责任的一般原则 被引量:3

The General Principle of Tort Liability Based on Fault
摘要 法国民法典第1382条确立的过错侵权责任的一般原则,其主要的优点是能够迅速地适应社会发展,及时规范随着工业发展出现的各种新型损害,同时有助于推动现行法的发展,为某些权利的创设提供途径,从而能够更好地保护个人权利。然而,这一过错侵权责任一般原则也存在两方面的缺点:一方面,没有给法官提供任何有效的法律技术工具以限制民事责任的适用;另一方面,一般原则还导致在区别过错侵权责任和特殊侵权责任时,出现了一些敏感问题。 The article 1382 of French Civil Code establishes the general principle of tort liability based on fault. Its main advantage is that it can quickly adapt to social development, and regulate timely various new type of damage with the industrial development, and meanwhile it can also help promote the development of the existing law, providing approach for creation of some rights, so as to better protect the rights of the individual. However, the general principles of the tort liability based on fault has two shortcomings : on the one hand, it doesn' t provide judges any effective legal tools to limit the application of civil liability; on the other hand, the general principle brings about some sensitive and delicate issues when making a distinction between tort based on fault and special tort liability.
出处 《比较法研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第4期192-200,共9页 Journal of Comparative Law
关键词 过错侵权责任 一般原则 优点 缺点 tort liability based on fault the general principle advantages shortcomings
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