
原核微生物之竿菌 被引量:7

Species and Genera of Bacillus in Prokaryotic Microbes
摘要 140多年前发表的竿菌和杆(小杆)菌同属最早发现和定名的细菌类之一,迄今已有成百上千的菌种得到鉴定、分类和命名。中文微生物学命名和整理滞后,引发了一些不必要的麻烦和困惑,不利于我国微生物学的普及发展和国际交流。本文试图对已经合格发表的近100属1 130多种竿菌进行系统的形态学(含芽孢和/或孢子)、生境、生物化学和细菌属性梳理和分类,理清和制定竿菌种属的中文-拉丁文互译规则,有利于推动中外交流和发展。 Bacillus, as Bacterium and related bacter microbes, are among one of the earliest found bacteria, reportedaround one hundred and forty years ago. So far hundreds and up to one thousand of species and genera with similarcharacteristics of Bacillus were identified and named. However, the nomenclature and codification of microbiology inChinese have been lagged behind, and have solicited some unnecessary cumbers and perplexities, that are not condu-cive to popularization, development, and international exchanges of Chinese microbiology. This paper endeavored tosummarize over the qualifiedly reported 1 130 species of 100 genera suffixed with bacillus based on their characteristicsand arrangement of morphology (including endospore and/or spore), habitats, biochemistry, and combing and classi-fication of the bacterial attribute to put them in order and correction, and to institute the regulation of the Chinese-Lat-in mutual translation of the species and genera of Bacillus, with benefit to give an impetus the exchange and develop-ment of microbiology between China and abroad.
出处 《微生物学杂志》 CAS CSCD 2016年第3期73-79,共7页 Journal of Microbiology
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(41373086,41373126) 北京市青年英才计划(YETP0670) 北京市科技新星交叉合作课题(XXJC201605)
关键词 竿菌 杆菌 小杆菌 分类学 微生物 命名 细菌 古菌 芽孢 Bacillus bacter Bacterium taxonomy microorganism nomenclature bacteria archabacteria endo-spore genus
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