
国外社会组织参与扶贫的经验和启示 被引量:18

Experience and Enlightenment of the NGOs in Poverty Alleviation
摘要 福利国家的建立促进了社会议题去政治化,教育普及促进了政治去精英化,这些是国外社会组织扶贫角色越来越突出的重要原因。就传统扶贫模式而言,发动社区参与提高扶贫干预效率和效果是国外社会组织所使用的主要扶贫方式;而社会组织开发的新兴扶贫模式,则是充分利用市场机制,通过开发道德市场、开发穷人的资本以及发展社会企业来推进减贫。这些新兴模式值得"十三五"脱贫攻坚借鉴。 The founding of welfare states has depoliticized social issues and the popularization of education has promoted the development of overseas NGOs in poverty alleviation. Traditionally, overseas NGOs improve the intervention efficiency and effects by the participation of communities in poverty alleviation. The new intervention models take full advantage of market forces to develop the moral market, the poor's assets and social enterprises in order to reduce poverty, which may be relevant to poverty alleviation in the 13th Five - Year Plan period.
出处 《经济社会体制比较》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第4期204-211,共8页 Comparative Economic & Social Systems
基金 乐施会项目“金砖国家社会组织参与扶贫机制研究”
关键词 社会组织 扶贫 道德市场 穷人资本 社会企业 NGOs Poverty Alleviation Moral Market The Poor's Assets Social Enterprises
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