以某煤焦集团二沉池出水为研究对象,采用小试烧杯实验,考察了Fenton试剂氧化法深度处理焦化废水的效果及其影响因素。结果表明,进水COD为260 mg/L,最佳试验条件为:室温25℃,H_2O_2投加量为333 mg/L,Fe^(2+)投加量为200 mg/L,初始pH为3,反应时间为60 min;在最佳试验条件下,出水COD为57.72 mg/L,可达到《炼焦化学工业污染物排放标准》(GB 16171-2012)和《工业循环冷却水处理设计规范》(GB50050-2007)的要求。
Taking the second pond water of a coal tar group as research object,the efficiency and influencing factors in advanced treatment of the coking wastewater by Fenton reagent oxidation process were investigated based on small beaker test. The results showed that when the influent COD was 260 mg / L,via the optimum experiment condition,the effluent COD was only 57. 72 mg / L,which can reach the requirements of the Emission Standard of Pollutants for Coking Chemical Industry( GB 16171- 2012) and the Code for Design of Industrial Recirculating Cooling Water Treatment( GB50050- 2007). The optimum experiment condition were as follows: H_2O_2 dosage was 333 mg / L,Fe^(2 +)dosage was200 mg / L,initial p H was 3,reaction time was 60 min.
GuangZhou Chemical Industry