

Analyzing and Distinguishing the Inputs Substitution of Information Technology,Capital and Labor in China and U. S.during the Post-crisis Era Based on a CES-based Copula Bayesian Approach
摘要 近年来信息技术投资的逐年增加,使得IT投资绩效问题变得异常重要,也充满争议。研究信息技术对传统资本、劳动力的交互作用是否会随着投资强度和发展阶段而改变,通过Copula贝叶斯估计法,利用经验数据对比,分析中国与美国在信息技术、传统资本、劳动力投资交互作用的结构性特征。经过对比发现,我国信息技术对非IT资本、劳动力的替代效应明显弱于美国,且呈现中心区域增强的状态。信息技术投资替代作用的结构性差异值得我们深入研究,以免过高或过低地估计信息技术价值,对于国家层次的信息技术投资决策具有重要作用。 More and more wealth have been spent on information technology (IT) investment over the last two decades, nevertheless the investment of IT to organizational performance also became an extremely important but highly controversial issue. Packed with the computation approach of Copula Bayesian estimation as the methodology and equipped with the con- stant elasticity of substitution production function as the theoretical foundation, this study attempts to examine the inputs complement and substitution relations among ordinary capital, ordinary labor, and IT capital in conjunction with the value of IT. The Copula Bayesian method is proposed in IT issue and fitted into a panel data set, using the analysis of correlation structure. The major findings include: the so - called productivity paradox is found to appear in both developed and develo- ping country; IT investment has substantial impacts associated with the CES production function; and capital, labor, and IT capital at country level display a strong substitution rather than complement relationship. The structural differentiation of substitution is figured, using Copula Bayesian estimation, which has the strengthened central area in China. These phenom- ena have important implications for investment decisions at country level and the ignorance of these relationships means to o- ver - or under - state the real value of IT and that the substitution structure among non - IT capital, ordinary labor, and IT capital is a technological and complex matter and must be seriously taken into account while assessing the impacts of IT at country level.
作者 赵宁 汪振双
机构地区 东北财经大学
出处 《科技管理研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第15期229-235,共7页 Science and Technology Management Research
基金 国家自然科学基金项目"基于Copula贝叶斯估计的IT商业价值研究"(11226250) 国家博士后面上项目"基于Copula贝叶斯估计的危机后期系统风险动态分析"(2013M541236) 辽宁省教育厅重点实验室基础研究项目"基于Copula的后危机时代系统风险分析"(LZ2014048) 中国博士后科学基金特别资助项目"基于Copula熵结构的跨市场系统风险度量"(2015T80258) 东北财经大学青年科研人才培育项目"信息技术投资回报及驱动作用动态分析"(DUFE2014Q22) 东北财经大学博士后科研择优资助项目"基于Copula贝叶斯估值的经济后期系统风险分析"(BSH201516)
关键词 二因素CES模型 因子替代/互补作用 相关结构 two -factor CES production functions inputs substitution and complement correlation structure
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