BIM Implementation--A Bibliographic Study of the Benefits and Costs Involved
BIM Implementation--A Bibliographic Study of the Benefits and Costs Involved
The construction sector has always been constantly changing, becoming increasingly aggressive, requiring new strategies to adapt to international and national scenarios. In the development of a project, there are many constraints, which often end up in problems such as waste materials, generating waste affecting the environment and also resulting in high costs oftbe work that could be avoided. Then came the concept of BIM (building information modeling) defined by a digital model consists of a database, allowing the development of projects with various professionals working in an integrated manner, being able to support all aspects of the life cycle of the project. Therefore, from the research information on the implementation of BIM methodology, it was possible to propose new ways of thinking and designing buildings, contributing to the completion of research in the management of projects and sustainability areas relevant to the development of engineering.
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4Eastman, C., Teicholz, P., Sacks, R., and Liston, K. 2008. BIM Handbook. A Guide to Building Information Modeling .for Owners, Managers, Designers, Engineers, and Contractors. Hoboken, New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons.
5Biotto, C. N., Formoso, C. T., and Isatto, E. L. 2015. "Uso de Modelagem 4D e Building Information Modeling na Gest5.o de Sistemas de Produggo em Empreendimentos de Constm~go." Ambiente Construido 15: 79-96. (in Portuguese).
6Florio, W. 2007. "Contribui96es do Building Information Modeling no Processo de Projeto em Arquitetura." Presented at 2007 SemiMrio TIC (Tecnologia da Informag~o e Comunicag~o) na Constmggo Civil, Porto Alegre, Brazil. (in Portuguese).
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