
中小学教师信息素养教育中存在的问题及对策探究 被引量:1

Exploration on the Problems Existing in Information Literacy Education for Primary and Secondary School Teachers and the Countermeasures
摘要 《教育信息化十年发展规划(2011-2020年)》[1]中明确提出要"推进信息技术与教学融合"。教师作为教学的组织者和实施者,其信息素养水平在实现这一目标的过程中显得尤为重要。目前,学术界关于教师信息素养教育的内涵还没有达成共识;对于教师信息素养教育如何实施的应用研究很少,难以满足实践的需要。本文在综合多方观点的基础上,结合实践,给出"教师信息素养"的内涵,分析了教师信息素养教育中存在的问题,并对学校如何实施教师信息素养教育给出一些具体可行的建议。 It is clearly pointed out in "Ten-Year Planning for the Development of Information-based Education(2011-2020)" [1] that we should advance the integration between information technology and teaching. Teachers are organizers and implementers of teaching, so their information literacy plays an important role. Currently, there isn't a consensus among the academic circle about the connotation of information literacy education for teachers; there is little research on the implementation of information literacy education for teachers, failing to meet the needs of practice. Based on a comprehensive analysis of views from different sides, as well as on practice, this paper introduces the connotation of "teachers' information literacy", analyzes the problems existing in information literacy education for teachers, and proposes some specific and feasible suggestions on how to implement information literacy education for teachers.
作者 陈雪萍
机构地区 西北师范大学
出处 《科教文汇》 2016年第21期35-36,共2页 Journal of Science and Education
关键词 信息素养 教师 教育信息化 教师专业化发展 策略 information literacy teachers information-based education teachers' professional development strategies
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