

Transmission Properties of Arrayed Structures Containing Single Negative Metamaterials
摘要 利用共振隧穿机制,对三层结构阵列的透射特性进行了研究。在特定条件下,由一层单负特异材料和两层介质组成的三层结构可实现隧穿。为了进一步改善透射性质,将三层结构作为基本单元,与空气层排列成周期型阵列结构。研究结果表明,三层结构在周期型阵列结构中所占比例对透射率有很大的影响,并且发现周期型阵列结构与三层结构相比透射率显著提高。 We study the transmission properties of the tri-layer structures which consist of single negative metamaterials, and two layers of dielectric by the resonant tunneling mechanism. Tri-layer structures can realize resonant tunneling under certain condition. In order to improve transmission properties of tri-layer structures, we base on it designed the new arrayed structures, whose tri-layer structures with air layer arranged in cycle type array structures. The result show that the different ratio of tri-layer structures in arrayed structure can affect the transmittance of tri-layer structures, and the transmittance of array structures also higher than single tri-layer structures.
作者 许华 董丽娟
出处 《山西大同大学学报(自然科学版)》 2016年第3期30-32,50,共4页 Journal of Shanxi Datong University(Natural Science Edition)
基金 国家自然科学基金[11274207] 山西省科技攻关项目[2015031002-2] 大同市科技攻关项目[2015015] 大同大学校级青年科研基金资助项目[2014Q2]
关键词 单负特异材料 共振隧穿 透射特性 single negative metamaterials resonant tunneling transmission characteristics
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