
拓展性—限制性学习:一种工作场所学习的研究框架 被引量:4

Expansive-Restrictive Learning:A Framework for Workplace Learning Research
摘要 本研究在分析工作场所学习特点的基础上,采用拓展性—限制性学习框架工作场所学习的场景特征作了区分。其中,拓展性学习是组织鼓励、引导学习者不断超越现有工作范围的学习,限制性学习是组织限制学习者的学习范围以促进组织发展的学习。2011-2014年间,本研究选取苏州工业园区和苏州高新区的六家制造企业,采用观察和深入访谈方法,探究新员工在公司的学习场景和学习活动。研究的企业包括大型、中型和小型公司,分属三个特点不同行业。研究发现企业存在三类拓展性学习形式,这些拓展性学习形式较好地整合了组织发展与个人发展。拓展性—限制性学习框架揭示了两类不同工作场所学习模式,为我们观察和评价组织行为提供了新的工具。 Based on the analysis of characteristics of workplace learning(WPL),the authors put forward the restrictive- expansive research framework of WPL. Expansive learning is the way organizations encourage and guide learners to go beyond the existing scope of work learning; while on the other hand,restrictive learning is the way organizations restrict learners from individual learning development. Both of them have a number of corresponding features. The learning framework was utilized in this case study that analyzing 6 enterprises with different learning situations and learning activities in Suzhou Industrial Park and Suzhou New and High-Tech Zone,using methods of observation and in-depth interviews. The research objects include large,medium-sized and small companies,which belong to three industries with varied characteristics. It is advised that enterprises can adopt three types of expansions of learning,which facilitates the integration of organizational development and personal development. The expansive and restrictive learning framework has revealed two different types of workplace learning models,which provides a new tool for the observation and evaluation of organizational behavior.
出处 《开放教育研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第4期114-120,共7页 Open Education Research
基金 2015-2017年云南省本科高校转型发展支撑产业升级"管理学重点专业群"建设项目 2012年度苏州高新区产教融合项目"学子成才"专项基金
关键词 工作场所学习 双元制 实践学习 组织学习 workplace learning dual system practice learning organizational learning
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