掌握野生动植物本底资源是各级自然保护区生物多样性监测研究和保护管理的重要环节。为了建立龙溪—虹口国家级自然保护区内兽类和鸟类多样性资源的长期监测机制,2013年9月至2014年11月,我们采用红外相机技术在龙溪沟和虹口峡谷等区域按公里网格布设了57个监测点,调查地面活动的兽类和鸟类。红外相机累计工作达11 847个工作日,共记录到兽类和鸟类物种61种,其中兽类5目12科21种,鸟类3目10科40种。猎隼(Falco cherrug)、光背地鸫(Zoothera mollissima)、长尾地鸫(Zoothera dixoni)、灰翅鸫(Turdus boulboul)、锈脸钩嘴鹛(Pomatorhinus erythrogenys)、红嘴鸦雀(Conostoma aemodium)和褐鸦雀(Paradoxornis unicolor)7种鸟类为保护区新记录种。调查到的兽类被列为国家I级和II级重点保护野生动物的分别为4种和5种,被IUCN红色名录评估为"濒危EN"和"易危VU"的物种各3种,被评为"近危NT"级别的物种有4种;鸟类被列为国家II级重点保护野生动物的有5种,被IUCN红色名录评估为"濒危EN"的物种有1种。本次调查补充更新了龙溪—虹口自然保护区地栖息鸟类名录,初步了解了保护区内地面活动大中型兽类和鸟类的物种组成和分布,为保护区建立野生动物红外相机常规监测和保护管理提供了基础数据。
Wildlife resources are essential for biodiversity monitoring and conversation management in protected areas. From September 2013 to November 2014, we conducted a camera-trapping survey to investigate ground-dwelling mammals and birds in the Longxi-Hongkou National Nature Reserve, Sichuan Province. During the 11 846 camera-days, we recor- ded 21 mammal species and 40 bird species with Falco cherrug, Zoothera mollissima, Zoothera dixoni, Turdus boulboul, Pomatorhinus erythrogenys, Conostoma aemodium and Paradoxornis unieolor as new bird records in the nature reserve. Four mammal species were listed as Class I state-key protected wild animals and five as Class II. Three mammal species were evaluated as Endangered by IUCN Red List, three as Vulnerable and four as Near Threatened. Five bird species were listed as Class II state-key protected wild animals and one bird species was evaluated as Endangered by IUCN Red List. This study expands and updates animal lists for ground-dwelling birds of Longxi-Hongkou National Nature Reserve. This study provides basic information for establishing camera-trapping routine survey and conservation management for large and medium-sized mammal and bird species in the natural reserve.
Acta Theriologica Sinica