The adoption of comprehensive competition legislation and establishment of specialized enforcement agencies have become global trend that led to an almost universal prolif- eration of competition law regimes. Macao Special Administrative Region of the People' s Re- public of China, as a small developed economy heavily reliant on the gaming industry, stands a- mong few jurisdictions that do not have comprehensive competition legislation. The present pa- per analyzes current situation of regulation of market competition in several economic sectors of Macao: gaming, telecommunications and financial services. Various internal factors such as government policies aimed at stability of supply and prices, support of local small and mediumsized enterprises, employment of local residents, etc. do not consider competition rules as an appropriate tool for achieving the economic and social objectives. External factors, such as economic integration with China's Mainland and Hong Kong SAR (both having competition regimes in place) have not prompted Macao to adopt its own competition law either. This study is an attempt to pro SAR and to vide explanations as to the current state of affairs of competition protection in Macao anticipate further developments in this field.
Global Law Review