
血浆miRNA及超敏C反应蛋白对急性冠状动脉综合征P CI术后非靶病变进展影响的临床研究 被引量:4

Clinical research of the effects of miRNA and hypersensitive C-reactive protein on non-targeted vessels in patients with acute coronary syndromes after percutaneous coronary intervention procedure
摘要 目的:探究血浆miRNA及hs-CRP对ACS患者PCI术后非靶病变进展的影响。方法检测217例ACS患者入院时及随访时的血浆miRNA-142-5P和hs-CRP浓度。所有患者行经皮冠状动脉支架植入术,并于12个月后行CAG随访。根据CAG结果将患者分为非靶病变进展组(进展组)76例和非靶病变无进展组(无进展组)141例。结果进展组患者hs-CRP浓度[(1.65±0.18) mg/L]高于无进展组患者[(1.52±0.37) mg/L],差异有统计学意义(t=3.478,P<0.001)。进展组患者miRNA-142-5P表达水平(27.12±2.11)高于无进展组患者(34.73±2.67),差异有统计学意义(t=23.035,P<0.001)。多因素回归分析显示入院时血浆 hs-CRP 和 miRNA-142-5P 高表达是非靶血管病变进展的预测因子( OR=3.496,95%CI 2.046~5.981,P=0.001;OR=1.208,95%CI 1.073~1.361,P=0.002)。结论血浆hs-CRP和miRNA-142-5P表达水平可预测ACS患者支架植入术后非靶血管病变的进展。 Objective To investigate the effects of miRNA and hypersensitive C-reactive protein ( hs-CRP ) on non-targeted vessels in patients with acute coronary syndromes ( ACS ) after percutaneous coronary intervention( PCI) procedure. Methods The serum samples were collected from 217 cases ACS patients to detect the level of miRNA-14-5P and hs-CRP during admission and follow-up periods.All patients underwentPCI with stent implantation and coronary angiography,and CAG was performed at the time of 12-month follow-up.According to CAG results,the patients were divided into non target lesion progression group(progressiongroup) with 76 cases and non target lesion no progression group(no progression group) with 141 cases.Results The expression level of hs-CRP was significantly higher in progression group than the no progression group((1.65±0.18) mg/L vs.(1.52±0.37) mg/L,t = 3.478,P〈0.001).The expression level of miRNA-142-5Pwas higher in progression group than the no progression group(27.12±2.11 vs.34.73±2.67,t = 23.035,P〈0.001).Multi-factor regression analysis indicated that high expression levels of hs-CR and miRNA-142-5Pduring admission were the predictors of advance of non-targeted vessels patients(OR = 3.496,95%CI 2.046-5.981,P =0.001;OR =1.208,95%CI 1.073-1.361,P =0.002).Conclusion The serum level of hs-CRP andmiRNA-142-5P can predict non-targeted vessels in patients with ACS after PCI.
出处 《中国综合临床》 2016年第7期593-596,共4页 Clinical Medicine of China
基金 齐齐哈尔市科学技术计划项目(SFGG-201419)
关键词 超敏C反应蛋白 MIRNA 急性冠状动脉综合征 经皮冠状动脉介入治疗 非靶病变 Hypersensitive C-reactive protein miRNA Acute coronary syndrome Percutaneouscoronary intervention Non-target-lesion
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