

The Israeli Channel of Sino-American Relationship——A Comment from the Western Scholars' Perspective
摘要 以色列被视为中美关系的"后方渠道",中以关系的曲折发展经历了四个阶段,在西方学者看来,中以联系渠道中最迷人的就是以色列的农业和武器技术,而国际社会的种种猜测和想象使美国对中以联系极为敏感,时常指责以色列向中国输送高科技是非法的"错误行为",实质而言,美国始终坚守"冷战思维",意欲对冷战后阻挡美国全球霸权目标实现的中国进行"遏制";面对美国的压力,以色列面临双重困境,一方面,它要实现自身的国家利益,建立"自尊";而另一方面,独一无二的美以特殊关系及自身的地缘政治需要又迫使它不得不最终屈从美国的压力。 Israel is regarded as the "back channel"of Sino-American relationship.The Sino-Israel relationship could be divided into four main periods.Agricultural technology and arms sale were said by the western scholars as the most attractive items of SinoIsrael trade relations.Meanwhile,many fantasies in the international society had made the United States so sensitive to the Sino-Israel connection that it had accused of Israel's"wrong-doing"of illegal transformation of strategic Hi-Tech to China.In fact,the United States insists in the "Cold War Thought"and tries to curb China which is regarded as the arch-rival to the American hegemony goal.Under this context,Israel faces the dilemma,on one hand,it hopes to reestablish its independence in order to regain itself respect;and on the other hand,a unique bilateral Israel-American relationship and the geopolitical consideration made it no choice but to bend to the US pressure.
出处 《华中师范大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第4期19-24,共6页 Journal of Central China Normal University:Humanities and Social Sciences
关键词 中美关系 以色列 后方渠道 地缘战略 Sino-American relationship Israel back channel geostrategy
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