
中国陶瓷典籍深度翻译的首次尝试——论《景德镇陶录》儒莲法译本的价值 被引量:10

Thick Translation in Rendering Chinese Ceramic Literature:on the Significance of Julien's French Translation of The Anthology of Jingdezhen Ceramic
摘要 法国汉学家斯塔尼斯拉斯·儒莲于1856年将中国陶瓷典籍《景德镇陶录》翻译成法文版本,并译其书名曰《中国陶瓷历史及其制作方法》,这是中国陶瓷典籍的第一部外译本,也是中国陶瓷典籍深度翻译的首次尝试。本文从深度翻译理论的角度评析了该译本的编纂价值,认为该译本尽管存在删减漏译、注释细节等方面的不足,但是其编排方式合理,内容涵盖丰富,注释方法得当,注释内容具有历史学、工艺学、文献学等诸多研究价值,在中国陶瓷典籍深度翻译实践中具有开拓性意义,即使在整个中外文化典籍深度翻译实践中,也具有一定的参考价值和借鉴意义。 In 1856, The Anthology of Jingdezhen Ceramic, a book on ceramic study, was translated into French, with a new name Chinese Ceramic History and Manufacturing Method, by the French Sinologist Stanislas Julien, and this became the first foreign language version of Chinese ceramic literature and an unprecedented attempt to a thick translation of its original. This article assesses the value of the French translation using the theory of thick translation. It is found that, in spite of the flaws in the translation methods and small imperfections in notes, the arrangement of the translated version is very reasonable and the contents mentioned are rich. Further appreciation should be given to the notes written with proper methods, which cover the study of history, crafts, literature and so on, hence their great values for research. The work has its weight in the practice of thick translation in Chinese ceramic literature. In a broader sight, it has its importance in reference and exampling value in the whole activity of intercultural thick translation.
作者 陈宁 叶晓芬
出处 《中国科技翻译》 北大核心 2016年第3期58-61,共4页 Chinese Science & Technology Translators Journal
基金 江西省社科规划项目"文化‘走出去’战略下中国陶瓷典籍的对外传播研究"(项目编号:15LS07) 江西省社科外语专项规划项目"深度翻译理论视角下的中国陶瓷典籍外译本研究"(项目编号:15WX304)
关键词 《景德镇陶录》 儒莲 陶瓷典籍 深度翻译 编纂价值 The Anthology of Jingdezhen Ceramic Julien ceramic literature thick translation valueof compiling
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