随着现代工业智能化,智能机器人的发展得到了人们越来越多的关注。文章研究了机器人的视觉识别定位系统,也就是在普通机器人的基础上增加了视觉识别定位部分,实现目标工件的识别、抓取以及跟踪的功能,其中目标工件的识别主要指目标工件形状和颜色的识别。本设计基于Open CV计算机视觉图像处理软件,软件运行基于C语言和单片机Kail开发平台实现。
Along with the development of modern industry intelligence, the development of intelligent robot has raised people's attention. The paper studies the robot visual identification system based on increased visual identification, achieve target artifact identification, capture and tracking functions, including target workpiece recognition mainly re- fers to the identification of the target shape and color of the workpiece. The design is based on Open CV computer vi- sion image processing software, and the software running is implemented based on the C language and MCU Kail devel- opment platform.
Jiangsu Science and Technology Information