女性主义作家多丽丝·莱辛(Doris Lessing)的名作《天黑前的夏天》准确生动地摹写了中年女性在现实生活中遭逢的心理危机,并显示出了作者对人类精神生活处境的透彻理解与忧患意识。以弗洛伊德精神分析法中的"本我""自我"及"超我"理论为主要依据,剖析小说女主人公凯特·布朗的心路历程及其行为表现,即可看出:凯特的种种社会遭际与心理变化,都折射出了其个性心理中"自我""本我"之间的矛盾冲突,以及由"自我"的分裂导致的多重人格,最后则由其"超我"促成了凯特凤凰涅槃一般的自我发现与人格重塑。从精神分析学原理对这一文本展开探讨,似乎更能揭示出该作品中人物的心理发展机制以及文本本身所蕴含的深意。
The Summer before the Dark, which is the masterpiece of Doris Lessing, has vividly described a middle - aged woman who suffers from the psychological crisis in reality. Meanwhile, it manifests the author' s thorough understanding towards spiritu- al situation and her sense of potential perils. On the basis of Freud' s theories on "id", "ego" and "superego", the paper man- ages to analyze the psychological process and various behaviors of Kate Brown. It is found that her social relationship and psycho- logical changes reflect the conflicts between "id" and "ego", her multiple personality traits are the result of her split "ego", and eventually her "superego" helps her to find her own self- value and realize her spiritual sublimation. Exploring this novel from Freudianism tends to reveal more positive meanings in this novel.
Journal of Jimei University:Philosophy and Social Sciences