目的 研究总结药学分析在临床抗生素合理应用方面的影响作用。方法 选择本院2014年1月~2015年12月门诊住院部收治的600例患者随机分组,对照组患者遵医嘱接受抗生素进行治疗,研究组患者依据药学干预指导原则应用抗生素治疗,观察统计患者抗生素应用率与抗生素治疗费用占总体医疗费用百分比以及院内感染发生率情况。结果 研究组抗生素使用率、抗生素费用比、院内感染发生率低于对照组,P〈0.01。结论 在临床治疗中应用药学干预可控制抗生素的应用,降低不合理应用情况的发生,同时可以减少医疗成本。
Objective To study the effect of pharmaceutical analysis on the rational use of antibiotics in clinical practice. Methods In our hospital in hospital department of 380 patients were randomly divided into two groups for the emergency from January 2014 to December 2015, while the control group of patients prescribed received antibiotic treatment, patients in the study group according to the pharmacy intervention guidelines for application of antibiotic treatment, statistical antibiotic use rate of the patients with antibiotic therapy costs accounted for the percentage of overall medical costs and hospital infection incidence observed. Results The rate of use of antibiotics, the cost of antibiotics, and the incidence of nosocomial infection in the study group were significantly lower than those in the control group, P 〈 0.01, Conelusion In the clinical treatment, the use of pharmaceutical intervention can significantly control the use of antibiotics, reduce the incidence of unreasonable applications, and can reduce the cost of medical treatment.
China Health Standard Management
Antibiotics, Rationaluse, Pharmaceutical intervention, Effect