Under the environment of the digitization of movie material and the big data,it is the focus of research for fast semantic retriev- al and intelligent recommendation to quickly and accurately retrieve the target film material,and realize the automatic relevance of movie material and reduce the manual intervention. In order to solve the problem, a reasoning model of domain ontology for movie material based on Jena is proposed. The related terms and concepts of film material is extracted with the participation of experts in the field of cine- ma, then the movie material domain ontology is constructed with the ontology modeling tool Prot6g6 based on OWL rules. Then, it uses inference engine to perform reasoning for semantic axioms and user-defined rules, which describes the relationship of concept and attrib- utes of ontology with each other and the details of the construction and reasoning for the ontology. Search query system is constructed based on Lucene, supporting keyword-based query and expand query. The results show that the model can well represent the movie mate- rial knowledge, supporting intelligent recommendation based on the semantic reasoning with a high efficiency.
Computer Technology and Development