

The Path Strengthening Scientific and Technological Cooperation between China and Kenya
摘要 本文利用文献计量方法分析关英等国与肯尼亚的科技合作基础,揭示出美英等国对肯尼亚的科技合作投入力度都远超中国。基于此,本文建议通过以下路径加强中肯两国科技合作:增进两国政治互信;加大中非联合研究交流计划支持力度;重视对肯尼亚的科技人才培养;拓展与肯尼亚其他相关政府部门间的合作;重视发挥中国国家自然科学基金委员会在肯尼亚国际科技合作中的作用;总结与宣传对肯尼亚及非洲国家的国际科技合作工作。 With bibliometrics, this paper analyzes the foundation of international S&T cooperation in Kenya dominating by European and American countries and reveals that those countries' investment in S&T cooperation in kenya are far more than china. In the interest of establishing a truly long-term strategic cooperative relations between China and Kenya, the Chinese government needs to strengthen the following aspects: enhancing political mutual trust between governments of the two countries; increasing the China-Africa Joint Research and Exchange Program; training Kenya scientific and technological talent; expanding the cooperation of other relevant government departments of China and Kenya; paying attention of the National Natural Science Foundation of China in Kenya international S&T cooperation; summarizing and publicizing the development of international cooperation in S&T between China and Kenya.
出处 《全球科技经济瞭望》 2016年第5期57-65,共9页 Global Science,Technology and Economy Outlook
基金 国家自然科学基金委“科学基金促进我国基础研究的国际化发展战略与国别合作政策研究”(R14500).
关键词 肯尼亚 国际科技合作 中肯科技合作 Kenya International S&T cooperation China-Kenya S&T cooperation
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