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2BBC. Euro 2016: Who would you pick in your team of the tourna- ment. http://www.bbc.com/sport/football/ 36705187,2016-07-07.
3CNN. Euro 2016: Choose your Ultimate XI dream team. http://edition. cnn.com/2016/06/10/football/eu- ro-2016-ulimate-eleven-dream-team/in- dex.html,2016-07-06.
4Robin Edds. Can You Remem- ber How England Fucked Up Football Tournaments Since Euro ' 96. https:// www.buzzfeed.com/ robinedds/ ne v- er-stopped-me-dreaming?utm_term=. uhj 38PyPLr#.umoQi)BGBK6,2016 -06-01.
5Robin Edds. The Hardest Interna- tional Football Badge Quiz You' 11 Ever Take.https://www.buzzfeed.com/robinedds/ the -hardest-international-foot- ball-badge- quiz?utm tern1= .vin- ~zAEKEYv#.wfnR3y2yW1,20 15 - 12 - 1 1.
6The Gardian. Euro 2016 stadium quiz: name the venue from the aerial view. https: //www.theguardian.com/foot - baU/2016/jun/28/euro-2016-stadi- urn-quiz-aerial-view,2016-06-28.
7The Gardian. Euro 2016 quiz spot the real ball. https://www.theguard- ian.com/football/2016/j un/22/eu- ro-2016-quiz-spot-the-real-ball, 2016-06-22.