Objective To explore the expression of signal transducers and activators of transcrip- tion (STAT3), Cyclin D1 in cutaneous malignant melanoma (CMM) and relationship between them with pathological features. Methods The SP immunohistochemical technique was used to detect the expression of STA33, Cyclin D1 in 78 case CMM, 24 case mole skin junction and 22 case of normal skin. Results ( 1 )Their positive expression of STA33 in CMM is 57.7%. There were low expression in mole skin junc- tion or normal skin, their positive expression were 29.2% , 18.2%. There was a statistical significance be- tween the CMM and mole skin junction or normal skin ( P 〈 0. 05 ). ( 2 ) Their positive expression of Cyclin D1 in CMM is 62. 8%. There were low expression in mole skin junction or normal skin, their posi- tive expression were 33.3%, 27.3%. There was a statistical significance between the CMM and mole skin junction or normal skin ( P 〈 0. 05 ). ( 3 ) The expressions of STAT3 and Cyclin D1 in CMM was positively associated (P 〈 0. 01, r = 0. 533 ). (4)The positive rate of STA33 and Cyclin D1 in CMM increased along with the depth of infiltration, the positive rate withlymphatic metastasis were higher. There was a statistical significance between them(P 〈 0. 01 ). Conclusion STAT3 and Cyclin D1 protein may play a positive role in the occurrence,infiltration and lymphatic metastasis of CMM. There may be a synergistic effect be- tween them.
Chinese Journal of Experimental Surgery