
政治制度、政治思想与政治制度思想——一种理论构建的努力 被引量:5

Political Institution,Political Thought and Thought on Political Institution:An Effort of Theoretical Construction
摘要 以前学者把政治制度与政治思想看作是对立的两极,导致政治制度和政治思想的研究相互隔离。但实际上两者并不是相互对立的,而是相互作用。政治制度构建一个环境,对人们的政治思维进行限定,而学者和决策者的政治思想影响和推动政治制度的发展。同时,政治制度和政治思想也有相互重叠的区域,即政治制度中的思想。政治制度思想理论的提出,为判定政治制度的合理性提供依据,认清决策者和思想家的真实意图,同时为政治思想史的编写提供新的视角,也为中国现有的制度建设提供新的思路。 Formerly scholars often looked political institution and political thought as two extremes. This tendency has resulted in the separation of studies on political institution and those on political thought. In fact, the two sides are not opponent, but interactive. On the one hand, political institution creates an atmosphere to frame political thinking; on the other hand, scholars' or decision makers' political thoughts influence and push the development of political institution. At the same time, the two sides have an overlap: the thought on political institution. To propose a theory of political institution and political thought, there are much significance as follows: as a standard to judge the rationalization of political institution, as a microscope to see clearly the true ideas of scholars or thinkers, as an new perspective to write the history of political thought, or as a new idea to develop the Chinese political systems.
作者 季乃礼
出处 《武汉大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第4期41-50,共10页 Wuhan University Journal:Philosophy & Social Science
基金 南开大学亚洲研究中心资助项目(AS1401)
关键词 政治制度 政治思想 政治制度思想 political institution political thought the thought on political institution
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  • 3Wilfred Prest ed. Lawyers in Early Modern Europe and America, New York: Holmes and Meierd, 1981, pp. 34 - 35.
  • 4J.H. Baker, TheThirdUniversityofEngland, the lnns o f Court and the Common Law Tradition, London: Selden Society, 1990.
  • 5F. P. Lock, Edmund Burke, Oxford University Press, 1998, Vol. 1, p. 73.
  • 6J. G. Pocock, The Ancient Constitution and the Feudal Law, Cambridge University Press, 1987.
  • 7Edmund Burke, "An Essay towards a Abridgment of the English History," in The Works of the Right Hon. Edmund Burke, London: Holdsworth, 1837, Vol. 2.
  • 8F. P. Lock, Edmund Burke, Vol. 1, p. 148.
  • 9Henry S. Maine, Lectures on the Early History of Institutions, London: John Murrary, 1914, p. 13.
  • 10Burke, Abridgment, p. 592.











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