
论宋代的举官制度——以崔与之的举人为中心 被引量:1

Official Recommendation System in the Song Dynasty in the Case of a Successful Referrer Cui Yuzi
摘要 宋朝是中国历史上人才最多的一个朝代,究其原因,除了一系列科举改革使优秀的平民子弟易于脱颖而出,为他们施展才华提供了机会,又与实行有连带责任制的举官制度有一定关系。为了推荐出好的官员,宋人提出了许多良好的人才观,其基本观点大致有两种:一是刘挚的观点,主张人才必须德才兼备,缺一不可;另一种是袁燮的观点,认为一个人的德与才往往是分离的,所以必须"两者兼用"。但由于人才难得也难知,在具体实践中仍不免会有失误,即使像王安石、司马光等大政治家也不可避免。可是,南宋名臣崔与之推举人才甚多,却很少失误,其成功原因主要是在正确人才观的指导下做到以下三个方面:一是知人善任,真正重视人才在治国安邦中的作用;二是为国荐贤、不市私恩;三是在举人中没有宗派观念,不存门户之见。宋代有连带责任制的举人制度和崔与之举人不失误的原因,对我们今天如何做好干部的选拔工作具有一定的借鉴意义。 The Song Dynasty had more talents than the other dynasties in the Chinese history.The imperial examination reforms made it easier for the talented from the ordinary stood out.It provided opportunities for them to display their talents.It was also related to the official recommendation system.There were three major types of recommendations.The first is″Juguan Zidai.″Usually when a middle or high level official received a promotion,he must recommend someone to replace his for-mer position.Though this practice was adopted previously,it was the Song Dynasty that formed the system officially.The second,if low level civil officials were to be promoted to the middle level,they needed several referrals.The third,sometimes they also needed referrals in cases such as promotion or appointment of a government position.There are two basic concepts in recommending aqualified candidate in the Song Dynasty.One is Liu Zhi's viewpoint:a talent must possess both political integrity and professional competence.The other is Yuan Xie's viewpoint:political integrity is usually separated from ability.As it's was not easy to find talents,mistakes were unavoidable in practice,even for statesmen like Wang Anshi and Sima Guang.However,Cui Yuzhi of the Southern Song Dynasty made fewer mistakes and recommended many talents.He proposed a more comprehensive view of talent selection.On the one hand,he emphasized on a morality-oriented concept.The best talent is someone who possesses both political integrity and professional competence.The second best talent is someone who possesses loyalty and political integrity.On the other hand,he was not fully against appointing a useful petty man.However,measures must be adopted to prevent a petty man from winning power and influence while a gentleman lose them.This theory is more comprehensive than Yuan Xie's.The success of Cui Yuzhi was guided by a correct concept of talents.He did a fine job in the following three aspects:discover able people and put them at suitable posts,paying great attention to the roles of talents in administering state affairs;do not care about personal gain or loss in talent selection for the country;no faction viewpoint and no bias in the process of recommending talents.The talents recommendation system and the example of Cui Yuzhi in the Song Dynasty can be used for reference today when we select cadres.
作者 何忠礼
出处 《浙江大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第4期54-62,共9页 Journal of Zhejiang University:Humanities and Social Sciences
关键词 宋代 举官制度 人才观 崔与之 连带责任制 Song Dynasty official recommendation system concept of talent Cui Yuzhi related responsibility
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