目的了解2011~2015年中国大陆学者在SCI(Science Citation Index)口腔医学期刊上发表论文的现状。方法在Web of Science数据库中检索我国大陆学者2011~2015年公开发表在SCI口腔医学期刊上的论文,从发文总量、期刊分布、机构分布、地区分布、合作情况、基金资助等方面进行统计分析。结果共有2300篇论文纳入研究,其中论著2159篇(93.87%),综述141篇(6.13%);发文最多的期刊为"JOURNAL OF ORAL AND MAXILLOFACIAL SURGERY",合计211篇(9.17%);发文最多的机构为上海交通大学医学院附属第九人民医院,合计313篇(13.61%);论文作者较为集中地分布在北京、上海、四川等地区;论文合著率为99.74%,合作度为5.79;基金资助论文1597篇(69.43%),以国家级和省部级基金项目资助为主。结论近年来,我国大陆地区口腔医学领域发展迅速,其科研和临床水平不断提升,在SCI期刊的发文数量和质量均有所增长,形成了以高等口腔医学院校为主的核心作者群,但地区分布不均衡,较国际先进水平还有一定差距。
Objective To find out and analyze the published papers in stomatological journals indexed by Science Citation Index(SCI) contributed by scholars in China mainland during the period between 2011 and 2015.Methods Web of Science was used to search all the papers, published in stomatological journals indexed by SCI, and contributed by scholars in China mainland during the period between 2011 and 2015. The numbers of published papers,publishing journals, institutions, regions, cooperation institutions, and research fund supports condition were analyzed.Results Totally, 2300 papers were enrolled in this study, including 2159(93.87%) original articles and 141(6.13%)review articles. The journal in which the most papers were published was "JOURNAL OF ORAL AND MAXILLOFACIAL SURGERY"(211, 9.17%). The institution that contributed the most papers was "Shanghai Ninth People's Hospital,Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine"(313, 13.61%). Beijing, Shanghai and Sichuan Province were the first three hot regions, considering the authors geographical distribution. The coauthor rate was 99.74%, and the cooperation rate was 5.79. In all the 2300 papers involved, 1597 papers(69.43%)were supported by various research funds, most of them belonged to the national and provincial projects. Conclusion The quantity and quality of the papers published in SCI journals were improving continuously with the great development of China mainland stomatology in recent years. The authors distributed unequally and most in the key stomatological schools and hospitals.
Journal of Modern Stomatology
China mainland
SCI papers
Paper analysis