Foreign passenger railway station has experienced more than a century of development, having become mature through type model. Because of the development of our country"s railway station is relatively late, and the passenger transport efficiency is not high enough, combined with China's large population, our country's passenger railway station will be stay relatively backward waiting type model for a long time. At present, some station began to integrate various business functions in order to form the station business circle, but the customers did not bring business sentiment and vitality, on the contrary too much, commercial space makes passenger railway station more crowded and the streamline more complex. Based on the contrast of passenger railway station development in Home and abroad with the situation of our country, we think that the development direction of passenger railway station in China now is to focus more on improving the efficiency of evacuation, making the flow more concise and the transfer more convenient.
Huazhong Architecture
Passenger railway station, Development in China and abroad, Improve the efficiencyof the evacuation