
基于半结构化访谈法的普通高校图书馆服务视障师生研究 被引量:8

The Research of the Universities Library Services for the Visually Impaired Users Based on the Semi-Structured Interviews
摘要 我国自2015年起正式向残疾考生全面开放普通高考,将有更多有视力障碍的学生进入普通高校求学,高校图书馆须为向视障读者提供服务预作准备.通过对已在普通高校就读或任职的视障师生进行半结构化访谈,了解其文献需求、利用图书馆现状和遇到的困难.结果显示目前在校的视障师生有较高的信息素养,尽可能自行克服了利用图书馆资源时遇到的障碍.高校图书馆不应安于现状,可从细节入手,逐步改善图书馆无障碍软硬环境,提升为视障师生人性化服务的水平,促进高等融合教育进一步发展. It is necessary for the university libraries to provide services for the visually impaired users as more and more visually impaired students enrolled since 2015 when National College Entrance Examination started to open to all of the disabled students. In order to learn the document demands and the difficulty in using libraries of the visually impaired users, a semi-structured interviews had been conducted to draw the conclusion that this user group usually manages to overcome the obstacles in the libraries by themselves with their highly information litera- cy. The university libraries should improve the barrier-free environment gradually, enhance the service level for the visually impaired users, rather than be satisfied with the current situation.
作者 林英
机构地区 广州大学图书馆
出处 《大学图书馆学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第4期57-62,共6页 Journal of Academic Libraries
关键词 普通高校图书馆 视力障碍者 无障碍环境 人性化服务 Ordinary University Library The Visually Impaired Users Barrier-Free Environment Li-brary Service
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