
采用全寿命周期成本模型的用户侧电池储能经济可行性研究 被引量:120

Economic Feasibility of User-Side Battery Energy Storage Based on Whole-Life-Cycle Cost Model
摘要 储能系统的成本高及收益不明确是影响其规模化应用的主要原因之一。首先建立了通用的全寿命周期成本模型,用于全面计算储能的各类成本;通过敏感性分析提出了有效降低几类用户侧电池储能成本的方法;分析用户侧电池储能的效益来源,并对不同电价机制下的经济可行性进行了详细计算,最后给出了用户侧电池储能在全寿命周期内的优化投资策略。结果表明,对于用户侧电池储能,在整个项目周期内安装成本占比最大,其次为更换成本和用电成本,运行维护成本比例最小。用户侧电池储能年均成本由低到高依次为:铅酸电池<钠硫电池?铁锂电池<全钒液流电池。通过降低额定放电时间、提高循环效率并延长寿命周期,可有效降低用户侧电池储能的年均成本。在两部制电价机制下,当铅酸电池、钠硫电池、铁锂电池和全钒液流电池的安装成本分别下降为原成本的60%、60%、50%和30%,用户侧电池储能才达到经济可行。 High cost and unclear benefit are the most important reasons for hindering large-scale application of battery energy storage system(BESS). In this paper, a general whole-life-cycle cost model is established to describe cost components of energy storage. Effective method for reducing various user-side BESS cost is proposed based on sensitivity analysis results. BESS benefit source is defined and economic feasibility of user-side BESS in different electricity price mechanism is evaluated. Optimal investment strategy of user-side BESS in whole life cycle is given. Results show that for user-side BESS, installation cost is the largest, followed by replacement cost and electricity cost, and maintenance cost is the smallest in whole life cycle. Order of average annual costs of different BESS from low to high is VRLA, Na S, LFP, V-redox respectively. Average annual cost can be effectively reduced by shortening rated discharge duration, improving efficiency and extending cycle life. Under two-part electricity price mechanism, user-side BESS can achieve economically feasible only when cost of VRLA, Na S, LFP and V-redox decreases to 60%, 60%, 50% and 30%, respectively.
出处 《电网技术》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2016年第8期2471-2476,共6页 Power System Technology
基金 国家自然科学基金国际(地区)合作与交流项目(51361135704) 国家电网公司科技项目(商业园区源-储-荷协同运行关键技术研究与示范)~~
关键词 用户侧电池储能 全寿命周期成本模型 经济可行性 user-side BESS whole-life-cycle cost model economic feasibility
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