

A Research on the Cooperation among PRC,ROK and Russia against Japan on the Island Disputes from the Perspective of Pareto Improvement
摘要 帕累托改进意指在尚未实现合作红利最大化及不损及各方利益前提下,各方通过资源交换所做的合作正向努力。相关概念顺应20世纪国际合作发展潮流,有利于各国围绕地区基本秩序寻求合作共识,可以为中俄韩协调应对日本修正东北亚海上边界奠定基础。鉴于安倍内阁围绕岛屿争端对大陆国家发起"外交攻势"更趋积极,中国应在其中扮演协同俄韩的重要角色,实现周边外交突破,最大限度控制日本领土诉求对地区稳定造成的不利影响。 Pareto improvement means all parties involved, through exchanging resources, could obtain benefits and not suffer from any loss of individual interest, even there are still some yield improvements to realize the common maximum profit. The def- inition mentioned above accommodates the cooperative tendency that has emerged since 20th century, and can guide nations to establish common senses based on regional fundamental order and lay foundation of cooperation among PRC, ROK and Russia to confront Japan who is searching for opportunity to revise oceanic boundaries of Northeast Asia. Since Abe Cabinet has launched positively diplomatic offensives to those three continental nations, China is supposed to work in coordination with the other two countries to promote the neighboring diplomacy and constrain the negative effects originated from Japan's revisionist intention.
作者 吕平
出处 《学术探索》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第8期36-43,共8页 Academic Exploration
关键词 帕累托改进 大陆国家 东北亚 岛屿争端 日本 Pareto improvement continental nations Northeast Asia island disputes Japan
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